在学科团队建设上,取得重要进展,成绩显著。以统计交叉科学研究院青年教师为主,与经管学部其它学院的青年教师经过共同研究和探讨,已形成了“经济统计与金融计量”学术团队,成员有周勇,石芸,龚冰琳、陈律,章迎莹,崔芮,钱林义;“大数据与复杂数据分析”学术团队,成员为周勇,马慧娟,於州,刘玉坤,项冬冬,郁淼淼;及“管理科学与商务智能”学术团队,成员有周勇,张露瑶,杜刚,谢炜,张敏,周晓岚,钱茜。形成团队作战,取得很好的成绩,在2019年度国家自然科学基金申请中,交叉院当时全体教研人员的申请国家自科基金项目全部立项成功,并且“大数据与复杂数据分析”学术团队为主申请的国家自科重点项目成功获得立项,是2019年华东师范大学三个自科重点立项之一。此外,我院青年教师马慧娟成功入选2019年上海市浦江人才计划A类项目。目前交叉院国家自科项目已达 5 项,其中 2 项国家重点项目。
序号 | 项目批准号 | 负责人 | 项目名称 | 项目类别(自科) |
1 | 71931004 | 周勇 | 经济管理中复杂数据和复杂行为的分析方法及其应用 | 重点项目 |
2 | 71971083 | 石芸 | 概率扭曲下的投资组合管理与资产定价研究 | 面上项目 |
3 | 11901200 | 马慧娟 | 带有缺失类型的多类型复发事件数据的半参数回归模型及应用 | 青年科学基金项目 |
4 | 19PJ1403400 | 马慧娟 | 纵向数据轨迹中潜在变量的分位数回归及其应用 | 上海市浦江人才项目A类 |
5 | 91546202 | 周勇 | 金融大数据统计学习理论与方法及在互联网金融中的应用 | 重点项目 |
截至2020年初,研究院现有全职教研人员共发表或已接收在SCI、SSCI收录署名为华东师范大学的学术论文共37篇(周勇30篇、马慧娟5篇、石芸2篇、陈律1篇,章迎莹1篇),其中SCI /SSCI 31篇,统计四大顶刊之一Biometrika,计量经济学顶级杂志之一Journal of Econometrics各1篇,SCI二区以上的论文9篇,经管学部A 及A-类杂志4篇(周勇、马慧娟、章迎莹、陈律各1篇)。
1. Song, X.Y., Kim D., Yuan, H.L., Cui, X.Y. Lu, Z.P. Zhou, Y. and Wang, Y. (2020) Volatility analysis with realized GARCH-Ito models.Journal of Econometrics, accepted. (计量经济学TOP,经管A)
2. Chen, L.J. and Zhou, Y.* (2020). Quantile regression in big data: a divide and conquer based strategy. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.(SCI二区)
3. Xun, L. *, Tao, Li. and Zhou, Y. (2020). Estimators of quantile difference between two samples with length-biased and right-censored data. Test, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-019-00657-3.
4. Ma, H.J., Zhao, W. and Zhou, Y.*(2020). Semiparametric model of mean residual life with biased sampling data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2019.106826. (SCI二区)
5. Yuan, H. L., Mu, Y. * and Zhou, Y. (2020). Leverage Effect in High-Frequency Data with Market Microstructure. Statistics and Its Interface.13(1):91-101.
6. Ma, H., Peng, L., Huang, C-Y., and Fu, H. (2020). Heterogeneous individual risk modelling with recurrent events. Biometrika. Accepted.(统计学TOP 经管A)
7. Yingying Zhang, Heng Lian, Guodong Li and Zhongyi Zhu(2020). Functional additive quantile regression. Statistica Sinica. Accepted.(经管A-)
8. Liu,X.Q.*, Song, X. Y. and Zhou, Y. (2019.12). Likelihood ratio-type tests in weighted composite quantile regression of DTARCH models. Science China-Mathematics , 62(12), 2571-2590. (SCI一区)
9. Liu, Y., Zhang, S.* and Zhou, Y. (2019.9). Semiparametric quantile-difference estimation for length-biased and right-censored data. Science China-Mathematics, 62(9), 1823-1838.(SCI一区)
10.Song, SS., Zhou, Y.*(2019.7): Nonparametric estimation of the ROC curve for length-biased and right-censored data, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2019.1604963
11.Xu, D *, and Zhou, Y.(2019.9.22). Local Composite Partial Likelihood Estimation for Length-Biased and Right-Censored Data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89(14), 2661–2677.
12.Chen, XR. *, Chen, Y., Wan, ATK and Zhou, Y. (2019.6). On the asymptotic non-equivalence of efficient-GMM and MEL estimators in models with missing data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 46(2), 361-388.DOI: 10.1111/sjos.12354.
13.Li, Y.M.*, Zhou, Y. (2019.3). The Kaplan-Meier estimator and hazard estimator for censored END survival time observations. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2019.1580737.
14. Xun, L., Zhou, YZ., Zhou, Y.*(2019.3).A Generalization of Expected Shortfall Based Capital Allocation.Statistics & Probability Letters, 146, 193–199. DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2018.10.014
15.Pan, J.*, Zhang, S. C. and Zhou, Y. (2019.2.11). Variable screening for ultrahigh dimensional censored quantile regression.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89(3), 395-413.
16.Ma, H.J., Shi, J.H.* and Zhou, Y. (2019). Proportional mean residual life model with censored survival data under case-cohort design. Statistics and Its Interface. 12(1),21-33.
17.Liu, Y.T., Lin, C.J. * andZhou, Y. (2019). Nonparametric estimate of conditional quantile residual lifetime for right censored data. Statistics and Its Interface,12(1): 61-70. DOI: 10.4310/SII.2019.v12.n1.a6
18.Zhang, F.P., Peng, H.* and Zhou, Y. (2019). Fine-Gray Proportional subdistribution hazards model for competing risks data under length-biased sampling. Statistics and Its Interface, 12(1): 107-122. DOI: 10.4310/SII.2019.v12.n1.a10
19.Li, C.B.*and Zhou, Y. (2019.1.7). The Estimation for the General Additive-Multiplicative Model Using the Length-Biased Survival Data. Statistical Papers, Published online. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00362-018-01079-3
20.X. Y. Cui, J. J. Gao, Y. Shi*, and S.S. Zhu, 2019, Time-Consistent Strategy and Self-Coordination Strategy for Multi-period Mean-Conditional Value-at-Risk Portfolio Selection, European Journal of Operational Research, 276(2), 781-789.(SCI二区,管理科学TOP).
21.X. Y. Cui, J. J. Gao, and Y. Shi*, 2019, Multi‑period mean-variance portfolio optimization with management fees, Operational Research, forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00482-4
22. Ma, H., Peng, L. and Fu, H. (2019). Quantile regression modeling of latent trajectory features with longitudinal data. Journal of Applied Statistics. 46(16), 2884-2904.
23.Lv Chen and Yang Shen* (2019). Stochastic Stackelberg differential reinsurance games under time-inconsistent mean–variance framework. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,88, 120-137. [SSCI].(经管A-)
24.Zhang, S.C., Pan, J.* and Zhou, Y. (2018.12). Robust Conditional Nonparametric Independence Screening for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Data. Statistics & Probability Letters, 143: 95-101.
25.Pan, J.*, Yu, Y., and Zhou, Y. (2018.10). Nonparametric independence feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional survival data.Metrika, 81(7): 821–847.
26.Zhang, F.P.*, Zhao. X.Q. and Zhou, Y. (2018.8). An embedded estimating equation for the additive risk model with biased-sampling data.Science China-Mathematics, 61(8): 1495-1518. (SCI一区)
27.Yu, Y., He, D., and Zhou, Y.* (2018). Robust model-free feature screening based on modified Hoeffding measure for ultra-high dimensional data. Statistics and Its Interface, 11(3): 473-489.
28.Wang, X. J.*, Zhou, Y. and Liu, Y. (2018). Semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models with auxiliary covariates.Statistics and Its Interface, 11(4): 587-602.
29.Fan, C., Ma, H.* and Zhou, Y. (2018). Quantile regression for competing risks analysis under case-cohort design. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 88: 1060-1080.